David Morales |
Lawyer in Belize City, Belize |
To view the law firm profile click here |
Location |
Contact Information |
115 Barrack Road, Belize City, Belize |
Phone: (011) 501 - 670 - 8557 |
Belize City, Belize |
Fax: (011) 501-223-1068 |
U.S. Fax: |
Email: davidsmorales@gmail.com |
URL: |
Email Form: Click Here (coming soon) |
Second URL: (coming soon) |
David Morales specializes in the following
areas: Offshore Company Law, Trust, Asset Protection,
Commercial Law, Tax and Estate Planning, Intellectual Property
Law, Real Estate, Finance, Banking and Maritime Law, Insurance
Law and Debt Collection.
Languages: English and Spanish |
Website: |