1.1 By
the Terms of Service Contract RLA/03/MOG – Access To
Justice Research – Belize, commissioned by the UNDP Belize,
it is required that a final report be elaborated as part of
a three-stage process.
The two precursors to this Report have been
(a) a summary description
of the political – institutional context, submitted to
UNDP on March 1, 2004, and
(b) a listing of
materials and data acquired from the observation of access
to justice services and from the interviews conducted with
providers and users, submitted to UNDP on March 31, 2004.
1.2 The
present Report expresses the viewpoints of the Operators (Duty-Bearers)
the Users (Claim-Holders), Conclusions arrived at and Recommendations
made. It also synthesizes the work carried out, analyses
critically existing institutions and their practices, and recognizes
best practices and offers suggestions for the improvement of
the system of accesses to justice.
ease of reference, this Report follows the listing of formal
and informal institutions discussed in Report I of March 2004.
1.3 The
backdrop for evaluating ATJ in Belize has to be the Constitution
of Belize. Issues relating to ATJ have become a focal
point for contention and polemics in Constitutional Human Rights
Law. Whereas the Constitution of Belize confers fundamental
freedoms on its citizens, yet it does not speak directly to
mechanisms to ensure that those rights are properly accessed
or exercised. Precisely because of the absence of available
constitutional structures, other secondary mechanisms, designed
to provide access to justice such as legal aid, take on added
1.4 ATJ
is essential to the maintenance of a civilized and humane society. At
its peak, a civilized and humane society should safeguard the
rights of individuals, regulate their dealings with one another,
enforce the duties of government and, most of all, make justice
accessible to the ordinary citizen.
was pointed out in one case by one of the leading exponents
of Public Law:
“Every civilized system of government requires that
the State should make available to all its citizens a means
for the just and peaceful settlement of disputes between them
as to their respective rights.”
1.5 That
involves a complex mix of knowledge of the legal system, an
awareness of one’s rights, the right of access and the
ability to approach appropriate institutions for redress.
ATJ programme designed to update legal systems must necessarily
include measures to offer all segments of society adequate
access to justice. This should include, among other activities,
the promotion of legal aid systems for low-income sectors of
the population; methods to bring government legal services
into less developed communities; legal education programs for
the people; and effective ways of ensuring the protection of
basic collective rights.
1.6 This
is an acknowledgement of the fact that there can be no more
important a subject than ensuring that the ordinary citizen
is able to obtain access to justice because constitutions and
the rights which they confer are not worth much if those rights
cannot be enforced.
1.7 The
current environment for ATJ in Belize has been evaluated against
these principles, among others.
2.1 Belize
is counted among States with democratic structures, principally
because of the type of Constitution which it inherited at independence. The
Constitution delineates the organs of state, apportions essential
duties to officers of state and allows free and fair elections
at periodic intervals. To these may be added the fundamental
freedoms, the constitutional protection of the public service,
the Judiciary and an elastic system of legal remedies.
2.2 The
Belize Constitution has been the subject of much national debate,
(especially in the 1990s). While
the Constitution was generally seen as serving Belize well,
popular sentiment was highly critical of the system of governance. Indeed,
one of the most serious shortcomings of the Belizean Constitution
is that there is too much focus on government and
virtually nothing on governance.
the lack of public awareness about the Constitution and the
political system is a serious drawback on ATJ in Belize.
2.3 The
Political Reform Commission (PRC) Report of 2000 indicates
that over 10,000 copies of the Belize Constitution and 2,000
copies of the booklet “How We Are Governed” were
distributed nation-wide free during the work of that Commission.
as that initiative was, it appears that there has been no similar
sustained effort at public awareness education, especially
in the area of governance since then.
2.4 The
summary of their concerns about the System of Governance made
by the PRC makes compelling reading:
• Official
corruption and lack of accountability of elected and public
• Doubts about
the independence and effectiveness of the Courts of justice;
• Excessive
partisan control and division;
• Lack of
people’s participation in the system;
• Lack of
women in positions of political leadership;
• The system
doe s not work effectively for the poor;
• Excessive
centralization of powers in the Prime Minister and the Cabinet;
• Ineffective
separation of powers between the Executive and Legislature and the Judiciary;
• The House
and Senate are only rubberstamps;
• Having a
Foreign Monarch as Belize’s Head of State;
• Lack of
regulation of political parties and campaign financing;
• A political
culture characterized by fear, victimization, passivity, and dependence;
• Lack of
education about our Constitution and system of governance.
2.5 Whereas
a number of these concerns have been and are being addressed,
it is fair to say that the lack of effective and sustained
public awareness campaign on the fundamental rights provisions
remains an overriding obstacle to the enjoyment of the people’s
access to justice.
3.1 The
Judiciary is a critical institution in any review of ATJ in
Belize. There can be no strong democracy without a strong
judiciary. A modern Belize demands a modern and effective
judiciary. Faced with an ever increasing work load and afflicted
with an archaic operating system, the judiciary has received
a long list of criticisms concerning its existing system of
dispute resolution.
3.2 For
example, the system of civil justice presently in use is one
which was devised at the time when civil cases were virtually
all heard with juries, and the procedure which was built up
in that background is really wholly inappropriate for contemporary
circumstances. What is needed is to take a fundamental
look at the situation, find out really what the civil justice
system should be doing, change the present culture to one which
deals with disputes in a manner which gives the public access
to the courts when they need access to the courts, directs
them elsewhere when there is a better alternative and
finds simple ways of dealing with simple cases, while preserving
the complexity and strengths of the adversarial system for
those cases which need it.
3.3 Among
the criticisms of the present system are:
• Heavy
backlog of cases;
• Adversarial
nature of the trial;
• Delay
• Expense
• Court
• Rising
demands on scarce public resources;
• Escalating
legal and emotional costs;
• An
increasingly long and arduous litigation process;
• Inefficiency
and popular frustration with the litigation alternative.
cumulative effect of all these observations is to restrict
access to justice because the legal system offers protection
for the few and very little for the many.
These criticisms
and more can be regarded as serious drawbacks to ATJ in Belize.
3.4 ATJ
in Belize should seek to achieve the following aims in the
judicial and legal system.
Legal System should:
• be
fair and be seen to be so;
• be proportionate,
with respect to procedures and cost, to the nature of the issues involved;
• deal with
cases with reasonable speed;
• be understandable
to those who use it;
• be responsive
to the needs of those who use it;
• provide
as much certainty as the nature of particular cases allows; and
• be effective,
adequately resourced and organized so as to give effect to the previous principles.
3.5 Currently
in Belize there is an ongoing debate as to whether a partial
solution to the problem may not lie in adequately staffing
the courts. But one solution about which there is no
controversy is the introduction of case load management in
the courts and the application of Primary Dispute Settlement
(PDR) processes in the Family Court.
3.6 The
Rules Committee of the Supreme Court, under the Chairmanship
of the Chief Justice, is currently piloting the introduction
of Case Load Management in the Supreme Court. The draft
text of the Civil Procedure Rules has been published.
need to reform and change the culture and practices of civil
litigation has been widely recognized in the Caribbean region
and further afield in the wider Commonwealth.
OECS Courts, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago currently practice
these new Rules. Barbados is on the verge of introducing
new Rules within a year or two.
3.7 The
principal aims of these Reforms are to achieve the following
• reaching
a decision by an apparently fair process or by free agreement;
• arriving
at a decision quickly;
• reaching
that decision by a transparent and understandable system;
• arriving
at that decision by a process which is predictable as to
• outcome
• timescale,
• cost
• arriving
at a decision in which the views of the parties are given fair
• undertaking
litigation which is conducted at low costs; and
• one
that can be readily enforced.
3.8 In
the views of Chief Justice Abdulai Conteh,
“the process of litigation in Belize, even for small
claims, the so-called Summary Actions, appears to the litigants
as some complex and Byzantine exercise invariably attended
by exasperating delays, with an unpredictable outcome or one
that cannot be readily enforced and [is] often expensive”.
3.9 Pending
the formal adoption of a full-blown Case Load Management system,
Practice Directions or amendments to the current Rules of the
Supreme Court have been issued, as an interim measure, covering
areas such as Summons for Directions, Pre-Trial Conferences,
and uncontested Divorce Petitions.
4.0 In
place of Summons for Directions, it is proposed to institute
a system of automatic pleadings, so that 14 days after
entry of appearance to a Writ of Summons, the Plaintiff must
file his Statement of Claims and serve it on the Defendant,
who shall then have 14 days thereafter to file and serve his
Defence and Counterclaim, if any. There will also be
14 days allowed the plaintiff for his Reply. In a case
where there has been no entry of appearance after service of
the writ, the period would extend to 21 days for the Plaintiff
to file his Statement of Claim.
4.1 The
pleadings will then be deemed closed. Thereafter, there
will be a pre-trial conference with a judge which will involve case
management and, if necessary, directions for discovery
and the production of documents and other ancillary matters. But
importantly, at the pre-trial conference, if the case
is to proceed to a hearing, a definite date for this will be
arrived at with a fixed timetable. The parties and their
attorneys shall be expected to adhere to this timetable.
4.2 In
the case of uncontested Divorce Petitions, there shall be no
need for a formal hearing by oral testimony. The petitioner
may prove her petition by affidavit evidence. If the
Petition is contested, then the same provisions will apply
as in the case of ordinary writ actions.
4.3 These
of course, would be temporary measures intended to speed along
the process of the initiation, progress and resolution of cases
before any new rules come into force.
4.4 There
are also current plans to introduce a Primary Dispute Resolution
system for the Family Court of Belize.
funding from UNICEF, the proposal is to establish a system
which encourages non-adversarial resolutions of family, juvenile
and child issues which serve the welfare of the parties. The
Belize Family Court Act of 1989 already provides an environment
where family and juvenile matters are handled in a holistic
manner in order to provide alternative methods for reconciliation,
protection, rehabilitation, growth and development in conjunction
with other relevant organizations. Among the key expected
outputs of the Project are the development of a Training Manual
for staff in using PDR and other counselling methodologies
and the conduct of a Training Workshop for Family Court and
Allied Staff on the use of PDR methodologies.
4.5 In
2003, the Family Court dealt with a total of two hundred and
ninety nine (299) cases for maintenance; and a total
of three hundred and fifty (350) cases for Domestic violence.
It also dealt with a total of seven hundred and seventy six
(776) other cases such as adoption, paternity determination
and separation orders.
4.6 Domestic
violence is one of the problems on the increase in Belize over
the past several years. In order to have a better and
clearer understanding of the Domestic Violence Act, a
one-day workshop was sponsored and conducted by the Family
Court for victims of domestic violence. The Domestic
Violence Unit of the Belize Police Department, the Human Development
Department and staff of the Family Court participated in the
4.7 The
increasing number of cases of abused children and domestic
violence generally has created the need for an emergency response
unit to rescue young victims under the authority of a Child
Development Agency.
call here is for the promulgation of a Child Care and Protection
Act which will mandate reports of situations of concern to
the relevant authorities and severe penalties for persons who
exploit or endanger children.
4.8 Of
course, Belize is among those countries which have legislated
against the sale and trafficking of children under the International
Child Abduction Act, 2000 (Chap. 177). This is to be
welcomed as a far-seeing Act, consistent with the Convention
on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, which
was signed at The Hague on October 25, 1986.
5.0 THE
5.1 There
is no gainsaying the fact that the Magistrates’ Courts
bear the brunt of the inter-action of the public with the justice
system. In the year 2003, in the Magistrates’ Court,
the total number of criminal cases that came before
them was eighteen thousand nine hundred and seventy one (18,971)
and they were able to dispose of fourteen thousand six hundred
and twenty five (14,625). A total number of four thousand
and seventy six (4,076) civil cases were lodged for
the same period and three thousand two hundred and seventy
eight (3,278) were disposed of.
5.2 The
Belize Magistrates’ Courts operate from very cramped
and physically challenged premises. That of Belize City
is located in temporary accommodation in the Sikaffy Building
in Bishop Street. These Magistrates must be performing
their daily tasks of adjudicating in disputes in some very
trying circumstances. That cannot bode well for the public’s
right of access to justice.
5.3 Furthermore,
any system of justice that cannot dispose of cases fairly and
expeditiously suffers from serious systematic problems. There
is an urgent need to reform the systems that are currently
in use at the Magistrates’ Courts. Some issues
to consider are:
• how
to promote a reduction in adjournments
• how
to attain speedier hearings
• an increase
in the number of offences for which pleas of guilty may be lodged by post
• abolishing
preliminary inquiries
• review of
the law of criminal evidence to make it an efficient and simple agent for securing
• shifting
from technical rules of admissibility to trusting judicial and lay finders
to give relevant evidence the weight it deserves
5.4 In short, the need
for the introduction of case management in the magistracy is even more compelling
than in the higher judiciary.
6.1 Notwithstanding
the well-documented criticisms of the Judiciary by the public,
there are some best practices which ought to be documented. These
relate to:
- Judicial Training and Further Legal Education
- Annual Bench and Bar Summit
- A Judiciary Bill
- A Code of Judicial Ethics and Etiquette, and
- International Judicial Cooperation
These initiatives will be commented on seriatim.
6.2 (a) Judicial
Training and Further Legal Education
6.3 Belize
is in the forefront of countries providing judicial training
and further legal education for judicial and legal officers. An
excellent example was the training for Magistrates conducted
from June 14-16, 2001 in collaboration with the Attorney General’s
Ministry. Among the topics covered were:
(a) Managing the
(b) The
Constitution and the Magistracy
(c) Procedure
in the Magistrate’s Court
(d) Proof
of Guilt
(e) Judgments
and Reasons
(f) Approaches
to Sentencing, and
(g) Areas
of Reform in the Magistrates’ Court
6.4 Granted
that the Magistracy deals with roughly 23,000 cases (both criminal
and civil) per year, training and further legal education for
the Magistracy is a most important initiative in support of
6.5 It
is recommended that, funds permitting, judicial training and
further legal education should become a permanent feature of
judicial education and training, and not just for magistrates,
but the rest of the judiciary as well.
is also noted that from time to time, targetted training has
been made available to members of staff from the judicial service. This
is to be welcome.
6.6 (b) Annual
Bench and Bar Summit
2000, Belize has marked an Annual Bench and Bar Summit with
the closure of the Courts for a day to focus on a theme of
direct relevance to the legal system of Belize. So, far,
the following themes have been addressed:
2000 Law
and The New Millenium
2001 Fast
and Fair Trials – How Do We Get There?
2002 The
Family and the Law
2003 The
Litigation Revolution
6.7 This
is an excellent initiative and a powerful example of best practices.
The process of development is constantly transforming the society,
economy and institutions of Belize. These transformations
carry with them new demands on the law and the judiciary. These
demands manifest themselves, for example, in the need for crime
prevention, the protection of family values, recognition of
the needs of disadvantaged groups, youth, minors, women etc.
The recognition of these challenges underscores the need for
a trained bench and bar that can respond to them in a forthright
and effective manner.
6.8 (c) A
Judiciary Bill
Attorney General’s Ministry has agreed to a broad thrust
of proposals designed to secure budgetary and financial independence
for the judiciary to buttress the security of tenure already
provided for in the Constitution.
would be a first in Caricom.
6.9 As
reported in the Chief Justice’s Report on the Judiciary
2002 at page 9:
The broad thrust of the proposals was to secure budgetary
and financial independence for the judiciary, in addition to
the security of tenure already provided for in the Constitution
of Belize.
Budgetary independence for the judiciary is, without question,
a pillar of judicial independence and impartiality so vital
for the rule of law. To my mind, it seems like giving
hostage to fortune, if the judiciary has to run to the executive
every time it needs to spend money on urgent and necessary
matters. The need to secure budgetary independence is
decidedly one of the clear provisions of the Latimer House
Guidelines of the Commonwealth on the Independence
of the Judiciary. The court room is the arena of
last resort where the citizen and the executive, that is, the
government, meet as adversaries over competing claims and demands. Therefore,
it is important that the reality of the independence and impartiality
of the judiciary is not flawed by any perception that it is
beholden to one side or the other. Budgetary and administrative
independence of the judiciary is therefore vital in this regard.
7.0 (d) Code
of Judicial Ethics and Etiquette
7.1 On
April 3, 2003 in Belize, a voluntary Code of Judicial Ethics
and Etiquette for the Bench was promulgated. It
is yet one good example of best practice.
When implemented, this Code will be the clearest signal from
the Bench that it wishes to be responsive and accountable to
the populace for the administration of justice.
7.2 This
Code, to which every judicial officer in Belize, including
Magistrates and Registrars subscribes, stipulates certain
principles that are expected to bolster and enhance judiciary
integrity in the fullest sense of the expression. Integrity
is the currency of judicial office. It should never,
ever be devalued or compromised. The values which the
Code seeks to underline as essential to the judicial office
are: propriety, independence, integrity, impartiality, equality,
competence, diligence and accountability. Accountability,
for example, speaks to the timely delivery of judgments.
7.3 These
values in the round, no doubt, make for an independent, fearless,
impartial and competent judiciary, which at the end of the
day, is the protector of the rights and freedoms of every citizen.
7.4 (e) International
7.5 Since
2002, the Supreme Court of Belize has struck an informal relationship
with the Supreme Court of Guatemala with reciprocal visits
to each others’ jurisdiction.
7.6 In
December of 2003, the Judiciary signed a cooperative agreement
with the Justice Studies Center of the Americas which is based
in Chile, South America. The objective of this Agreement
is to establish a framework of cooperation between the Judiciary
of Belize in order to develop and carry out programmes of mutual
8.1 In
order to support measures which promote access to justice for
the people of Belize, it is imperative that the Government
makes strategic budgetary allocations which will address some
of the systematic weaknesses in the ATJ portfolio.
The administration of justice is clearly one of the social
responsibilities which has suffered benign neglect by the public,
economic and political authorities. It is a very difficult
task to provide justice to the public principally because the
justice system is competing with other equally essential services
(eg health and education) for the resources available.
8.2 Nevertheless,
the last two budgetary allocation to the judiciary speaks to
the level of the priority which the law receives from Government. Adequate
and proper administration of justice is a necessary component
of good governance and indeed, a principal attribute of sovereignty
and statehood. It is therefore a necessary and legitimate
item of public expenditure. For the year that has just
ended the modest sum of BZ $2,569, 418.00 (0.73% of total national
Budget) was allocated in Fiscal Year 2002/2003 to the Judiciary.
8.3 Estimates
of Revenue and Expenditure for the Fiscal Year 2003/2004 to
the House of Representatives show that the Judiciary has fared
only marginally better than last year. This time around,
the allocation has modestly increased to BZ $2,956,031.00 or
0.79% of the national budget of $371,991,231.00.
8.4 Modernizing
the judiciary and adequately supplying the essential needs
of the judiciary remain
an important component in the general scheme of ATJ.
9.1 An
efficient judicial system must be based on efficient support
systems. So, judges’ assistants and court staff
need to be specifically trained in the field of caseload management,
web-based electronic legal research and court reporting.
9.2 Belize
possesses one of the most attractive and readily accessible
websites for its laws and legal system online at www.Belizelaw.org. The
laws of Belize, judgments of its Courts and other useful information
on the administration of justice are readily available on this
9.3 The
establishment of a web site for the judiciary is an undoubted
asset to the wide dissemination of cases and decisions which
otherwise would be bound up in court dockets and law reports
which are not accessible to the general public.
10.1 In Report 1,
the enormous responsibilities of the Attorney General’s
office were laid out. The office of the Attorney General
is the fulcrum in the interface between the Judiciary and the
Executive and the Legislature. Indeed, by the Constitution
of Belize, the Attorney General is charged with responsibility
for the administration of legal affairs in the country.
10.2 The spate of
legislation required to be turned out by that office is enormous. The
creation of the office of Parliamentary Counsel has been a
most farsighted piece of initiative.
One possible solution in relieving the Attorney General’s
Ministry of unnecessary work load is to encourage other ministries
to employ their own in-house legal counsel.
11.1 As pointed out
in Report 1, since September 2003, Belize has phased out the
prosecutions by the police personnel before the Magistrates
This is a first for the region.
11.2 The DPP’s
Office now has to responsibility for the recruitment and training
of its Civilian Prosecutors with academic qualifications at
a level far higher than before. This should auger well
for a more efficient and speedy disposition of cases before
the Magistrates’ Courts. Since over 90% of cases
tried in Belize go before the Magistrates’ Courts, this
should have an enormous impact on ATJ in Belize.
11.3 It is important
that the civilian prosecutors should be supervised by a Crown
Counsel within the office of the DPP. Equally importantly,
the office of the DPP should offer extension of services to
the Police in the areas of crime scene investigation, preservation
and collection of crime scene evidence, docket preparation
and such like matters.
11.4 There appears
to be a shortage of manpower at the office of the DPP.
Currently, there is no post of Deputy/Assistant Director of
Public Prosecutions on the books. It is recommended that
one should be created. Means should be found to encourage
local Belizeans to work in the office of the DPP. This would
have the positive effect of bringing about a sense of belonging.
11.5 The office of
the DPP is currently staffed with 3 Crown Counsel in addition
to the DPP. This is woefully inadequate to cope with
the spate of crimes in Belize and the level of prosecutions
11.6 It is recommended
that Government consider the recruitment of 3 additional Crown
Counsel to that office to help alleviate the long delay involved
in the prosecution of criminal cases.
12.1 The most serious
challenge posed to the Court Registry is the introduction of
Case Management under the new Civil Procedure Rules. These
rules provide for a modern and efficient system of trials in
the Supreme Court but for them to work, there needs to be a
new culture, a new thinking and a new ethos. Familiarity
with the rules is a necessary precondition for the introduction
of the new Rules.
12.2 There is also
the need for training the Registry staff to re-orientate from
the old ways to the new paradigm shift mandated by the rules.
12.3 Furthermore,
without the effective support of new innovations in technology,
the introduction of the new Rules will not yield the desired
13.1 In Report 1,
two areas of police practice were identified as being of critical
importance of ATJ in Belize.
These were:
Improvement on training in pre-arrest, arrest, and crime scene
investigation procedures, and docket preparation; and
Improvement in the overall quality of police service to the
community with a view to securing more positive support and
cooperation from the public in the fight against crime.
13.2 The point has
already been made (paras 11.2 & 11.3) concerning the offer
of training to the police by the office of the DPP in the specific
areas identified above.
13.3 Community policing
is now gaining ground as a key method of regaining public confidence
in the police.
Best practices as to community policing have now been recently
introduced in Jamaica. Lessons learnt in Jamaica can
be replicated or adapted to suit the circumstances of Belize.
14.1 There is no
question but that conditions in Hattieville Prison have improved
considerably since the Kolbe Foundation Ltd took over the management
of the prison in 2002. Among such improvements have been
structural, administrative and personnel changes designed to
ensure that the prison remains “a secure humane facility”.
14.2 These improvements
notwithstanding, an Amnesty International Report (AI Index:
AMR 16/001/2002) had this unflattering report on the Hattieville
Conditions in Hattieville Rehabilitation Centre, the main
penal institution in Belize, remained poor. Severe overcrowding
exacerbated already insufficient sanitary and drainage facilities,
posing serious health risks. Many cells lacked sufficient
light and ventilation, and some leaked when it rained. In
both the women’s and men’s facilities, juveniles
were sometimes held with adult offenders, as were detainees
on remand with convicted prisoners. In August the government
passed legislation granting control of the prison management
to a private company, which subsequently initiated a number
of positive reforms to improve conditions and rehabilitation. However,
government mechanisms to ensure the company’s compliance
with international and domestic standards had yet to be fully
14.3 Amnesty International
further noted that prison conditions did not meet international
standards and that there were reports of torture and ill-treatment
of detainees.
14.4 In the Report
of the Kolbe Foundation Ltd, some acknowledgment of the shortcomings
of the Prison is made in the following terms, under the headings, “The
Road Ahead” in the following words:
While the Kolbe Foundation has already made a tremendous impact
in the day to day operations of the Belize Central Prison by,
improving the quality of life for the inmates, and the overall
security of the institution, there is still so much more work
that needs to be done. The prison suffers immeasurably
from a lack of funding coupled with a lack of key personnel. The
official funding to the prison is just $6 US a day per prisoner
which covers the cost of the most basic needs. Additionally,
Kolbe desperately needs more training for the guards who are
largely untrained. Furthermore, Kolbe’s focus is
still rehabilitation and thus it is this area in which we wish
to effect the most immediate change. We currently have
only two counselors for the over one thousand inmates in the
facility. We also have a need for the implementation
of many more rehabilitative programs. The road ahead
may be long and fraught with many challenges but we feel that
we have an unparalleled opportunity to make a difference in
the lives of many.
15.2 Currently, popular
perception of the office of the Ombudsman is that it s not
highly visible. It operates solely out of Belize City
and, as its 2002-3 Report shows most of the cases dealt with
emanated from Belize City.
And yet this one institution has the potential to have a truly
national coverage and thereby to have a significant impact
on ATJ in Belize.
15.3 To that end,
the following recommendations are proferred:
15.4 There
is the need to address the question of inordinate delay in
the settlement of disputes between the individual and the State. It
is a problem which is common to all the offices of the Ombudsman. The
Ombudsman should be given a fast track authority to encourage
settlements of disputes between the individual and the State. Once
the Ombudsman invokes a fast track authority, then parties
should be obligated to fall into compliance in accordance with
the terms set out by the Ombudsman.
15.5 Next
the Ombudsman should be invested with the power to refer cases
for mediation or other alternative dispute resolution process.
15.6 Next
is a suggestion to see the enhancement of the jurisdiction
of the Ombudsman in two ways, bearing in mind the absence of
other supportive processes for the enforcement of legal rights
and obligations. One would seek to clarify the grey
areas of his authority. The other would address suggestions
made by Lord Woolfe.
the mould of Lord Woolfe’s recommendations, the Ombudsman
should be granted enhanced jurisdiction whereby cases may be
referred to his office by the courts, as they see fit. This
would help to ease the caseload of the courts. But more
importantly, references may be made for cases, which
are more suited to the inquisitorial style of the Ombudsman
rather than the investigative style of the trial process.
15.7 And
when the job of the Ombudsman is done, the law should put some
weight behind the conclusions reached. As of now, there
is no obligation on Parliament even to debate the Reports of
the Ombudsman. The constitutional requirement is that
the Reports should be tabled and no more. This is a self-defeating
and, indeed, contradictory provision in the law.
15.8 The
reports of the Ombudsman should not be tabled but should be discussed in
Parliament. To that end, it is suggested that a Joint
Standing Committee of Parliament should be established to consider
the Reports of the Ombudsman. These discussions should
be attended with the widest publicity.
15.9 The
Ombudsman should be given express power to publicize cases
of non-compliance with his recommendations.
16.0 Finally,
it is suggested that a separate fund to be set up by Parliament
from which payments of claims jointly agreed upon by the Ombudsman
and the relevant public body may be made.
16.1 The
office of Ombudsman should be decentralised with desk officers
in the Districts.
16.2 The
enhanced role being argued for the office of Ombudsman may
require that the office be staffed with in-house Counsel to
assist it in its work. Is that too much for any country
to bear? The efficiency of output that will accrue to
the populace as a result should far outweigh the costs of hiring
an in-house counsel.
17.1 (a) Legal
Aid Scheme Operated by the Registrar
17.2 This scheme
is limited to providing legal aid in capital murder cases only. It
does not cover other crimes nor does it have any application
in civil matters.
Its limited scope deprives it from being an effective weapon
in the armoury of ATJ.
17.3 The provision
of an adequate legal aid scheme requires a policy decision
by the Government as well as adequate budgetary allocations
to sustain the scheme together with clear and transparent rules
and regulations as to access.
There is currently no evidence of Government’s inclination
in this direction. The present situation is an affront
to justice principally because the litigant with no means or
just modest means receives no protection of any sort from the
legal system.
17.4 (b) Legal
Advice and Services Center
17.5 The fundamental
shortcoming of this Center is that it is manned by one legal
aid officer who performs all the functions of that office. The
office has no assurance of resources. The tripartite
arrangement whereby the office was to be run by the Attorney
General’s Ministry, the Judiciary and the Bar has not
17.6 The Center operates
out of Belize City. Apart from the structural problems
which affect the center, a number of serious administrative
problems plague it, as well. Because the office is manned
by a single officer, clients who travel from the districts
get seriously inconvenienced when they arrive in the Center
only to find that the officer is not in office (eg when she
attends court or goes to the Registry to file papers, or --
as happens from to time -- when she takes on an assigned brief
in a murder case).
17.7 In order to
provide remediation, the following minimum suggestions ought
to be considered:
(a) establish a
new legal regulatory framework for the Center
(b) provide adequate
staff for the office, including a court clerk and a secretary
(c) provide adequate
assurance of seed funds with which to run the scheme
(d) establish a legal aid
office desk to be located in the districts
(e) make provision
for wide dissemination of services that the Center can undertake
(f) maintain a published
list of fees for its services
(g) generate a list
of persons who may qualify to access those services
(h) design appropriate
forms for various case profiles
(i) provide
mechanisms for the interface of the Center with the Legal Aid
Information Bureau and the Bar Association
(j) provide
for continuous training for the staff of the Center through
the University of Belize
17.8 Somewhat controversial
is the proposal, once adopted by resolution, by the Bar Association
of Belize, to require that each Attorney-at-Law donates a certain
amount of time to the Center per year.
17.9 Other devices
that could be considered are:
• establishment
of a privately funded Legal Aid Trust that would assist appropriate
and deserving cases in obtaining access to legal advice
• establishment
of a ‘legal aid peace corps’ with Commonwealth volunteers who would
spend a minimum of three months, be appointed crown counsel for that period
and be assigned to the legal aid department, with particular emphasis on servicing
the districts
• re-institution
of the old practice of the Chief Justice calling upon any attorney to provide
pro bono work in particular cases
• making it
obligatory that the Bar Association must find a way of ensuring that its members
provide a minimum number of hours of legal aid services provided to the community
per year or make a prescribed contribution to the Legal Aid Trust.
18.0 Reference must
be made to a piece of forward-looking draft Bill which the
Attorney General’s Chambers has prepared. Styled
the Legal Aid and Advice Bill, 2003, it seeks to establish
a regulatory framework for the provision of legal services
and advice to persons of small or moderate economic means in
respect of civil or criminal matters where those persons are
financially unable to secure legal services from their own
18.1 Legal Aid is
to be dispensed under the aegis of a Legal Aid & Advice
Council. Among its powers are to:
(a) establish procedures
to determine eligibility of applicants for the services of
an attorney-at-law under this Act;
(b) establish guidelines,
procedures and requirements pursuant to which legal and other
services may be made available under this Act;
(c) retain attorneys-at-law
or other persons for the purpose of providing legal services
under this Act;
(d) encourage and assist,
by means of grants or otherwise, the programme of any full-time
law student where the programme has objects consistent with
the objects of this Act;
(e) utilize full-time
law students in providing legal services; but any such students
shall be supervised by an attorney-at-law and shall not appear
as counsel in any court;
(f) make public,
by means of advertising or otherwise, the nature and extent
of the legal services that are available;
(g) establish and
conduct such programmes as the Council considers advisable
to provide services to persons to prevent legal problems arising
in connection with the affairs of such persons, and generally
to carry out the purposes of this Act;
(h) retain persons
to administer the provisions of this Act, and where the Council
considers it advisable, any such persons shall, subject to
such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Council,
become employees of the Council;
(i) advise
its employees respecting the legal needs of aided persons;
(j) establish
Committees to which applicants who have been denied legal services
may appeal such denial;
(k) establish programmes
providing information and counseling in legal and related matters;
(l) make all
necessary arrangements including the acquisition of premises,
supplies and furnishings as are required to provide legal services;
(m) do all things that
are necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of
the purposes of this Act.
18.2 The absence
of Legal Information Bureaux is also rather worrisome. The
UNDP initiative to mount a pilot in three district towns must
be seen as the beginning of a process to decentralize legal
information in Belize. However, there is the clear need
to establish cooperative relationships between the Bureaux
and the Legal Aid Centre and the Bar Association. Where
training for the Bureau Desk is warranted, it is recommended
that such training should be done under the aegis of the University
of Belize.
18.3 When fully operational,
the Legal Information Bureaux – or Citizens’ Advice
Desks – should be established in each district at the
government offices and they should:
i. Have
pamphlets outlining in plain language the most common legal
information required by citizens, e.g., likely sentences to
be imposed for certain offences, basic information on bail,
rights in relation to being arrested, questioned and charged
by police, basic information on divorce, wills, etc….
ii. Assist
citizens in obtaining, completing and submitting any of the
applications for house, land, birth, marriage.
iii. Be manned by
individuals who have received a basic but specially designed
course in giving legal advice on the matters most common issues
faced by citizens, eg, landlord, land, estates, etc.…
19.1 Under this heading,
the following were discussed in Report 1:
Alcalde System
The Legal
The Press
of the Peace
The Churches,
The Human
Rights Commission of Belize
The comments below will be directed to the Bar Association
and the Justices of the Peace.
19.3 A truly vibrant
Bar is a sine qua non of a functioning legal system. There
is no way there can be a fair legal system without an efficient
and effective Bar since the Bar must walk hand-in-hand with
the Bench in the dispensation of justice. Just as for
the Bench so the Bar too must undergo an important paradigm
shift in culture, inculcating in its practices the new culture
and duty to justice, the maintenance of ethical standards and
prudent litigation management and continuing legal education.
19.4 Two other suggestions
relate to the Bar’s duty and responsibility to:
(a) find a way of
ensuring that its members provide a minimum number of hours
of legal aid services to the community per year or make a prescribed
contribution to a Legal Aid Trust Fund; and
(b) ensure that its
Scale of Fees is commensurate with actual work done.
20.1 The history
of the JPs is that it has been a heavily politicised institution. The
move by the Association of JPs to form one umbrella organization
with a national constitution is to be welcomed. But
that move will not be enough to facilitate ATJ in Belize.
20.2 The following
are some recommendations for consideration:
(a) The institution
must be regulated under a new and modern piece of legislation
(b) the law must
establish clear and objective criteria for qualification to
be a JP
(c) limit the tenure
of JPs
(d) provide for the renewal
of appointment upon the submission of reported activities and
a Police Certificate of Character, among others
(e) must contain
a Code of Conduct, and
(f) must regulate
essential training for JPs
21.0 OTHER
21.1 (a) Victim’s
Compensation Fund
It is an affront to humane societies that innocent victims
of crime should go uncompensated.
So Belize is to be congratulated for taking the first tentative
steps towards a Victims Compensation Fund by preparing a draft
Bill on the subject.
21.2 Styled the Crime
Victims Fund Bill, 2003, the Bill provides that a victim of
crime who has suffered direct physical, emotional or pecuniary
harm as a result of the commission of a crime, including, in
the case of a victim who is under the age of eighteen years
of age, incompetent, incapacitated or deceased.
21.3 The draft Bill
places the responsibility for the management of the fund on
the Ombudsman. Section 6 says:
The Fund shall be used and the Ombudsman shall make grants
from the Fund for–
(a) medical expenses
attributable to a physical injury resulting from a crime committed
in Belize, including expenses for emotional or mental health
counseling and care;
(b) funeral expenses
attributable to a death resulting from a crime committed in
(c) loss of wages
or salary attributable to a physical injury resulting from
a crime committed in Belize;
(d) counseling and rehabilitation
expenses to victims of sexual assault, marital rape, domestic
violence, gender based violence, or child abuse, including
sexual child abuse;
(e) financial assistance
to persons who are victims of terrorism or mass violence;
(f) financial assistance
to a victim of crime in participating in criminal proceedings
as a witness, in the form of the provision of transportation,
lodging and subsistence expenses;
(g) financial assistance
to a victim of crime in the form of short-term child care services,
where the victim is separated from his children under eighteen
years because of the crime;
(h) payment of all
reasonable costs for a forensic medical examination of a victim
of crime, to the extent that such costs are not otherwise payable
under any other law;
(i) preparation,
publication, and distribution of informational material setting
forth services offered to victims of crime by virtue of or
under this Act;
(j) training
of law enforcement officers in the delivery of services to
victims of crime;
(k) counseling to
provide support to a victim of crime in crises arising from
the occurrence of a crime.
21.4 If implemented,
this would be an excellent example of best practices and an
important lesson in ATJ for the people of Belize.
22.1 There have been
calls by Mayan Community leaders to the government to institute
clear policies regarding rights of land ownership and occupation
of the Mayan Communities in the Toledo district. Allegations
of illegal logging abound and reports speak of sporadic conflicts
with the police.
22.2 Already, litigation
has been undertaken by the Mayan community for the recognition
and protection of indigenous rights.
22.3 In that litigation
before the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
the Commission ruled, inter alia, that
(a) The State violated
the right to property enshrined in Article XXIII of the American
Declaration to the detriment of the Maya people, by failing
to take effective measures to recognize their communal property
right to the lands that they have traditionally occupied and
used, without detriment to other indigenous communities, and
to delimit, demarcate and title or otherwise established the
legal mechanisms necessary to clarify and protect the territory
on which their right exists.
(b) The State further
violated the right to property enshrined in Article XXIII of
the American Declaration to the detriment of the Maya people,
by granting logging and oil concessions to third parties to
utilize the property and resources that could fall with the
lands which must be delimited, demarcated and titled or otherwise
clarified and protected, in the absence of effective consultations
with and the informed consent of the Maya people.
(c) The State violated
the right to equality before the law, to equal protection of
the law, and to nondiscrimination enshrined in Article II of
the American Declaration to the detriment of the Maya people,
by failing to provide them with the protections necessary to
exercise their property rights fully and equally with other
members of the Belizean population.
(d) The State violated
the right to judicial protection enshrined in Article XVIII
of the American Declaration to the detriment of the Maya people,
by rendering domestic judicial proceedings brought by them
ineffective through unreasonable delay and thereby failing
to provide them with effective access to the courts for protection
of their fundamental rights.
22.4 In essence,
the indigenous Maya assert native or indigenous rights over
some 500,000 acres of land in the Toledo District of Belize
based on what they claim is their customary land tenure. Their
claim is independent of any instrument or grant by the Crown.
the case and the issue of Maya indigenous rights to a homeland
riase complex but exciting and tantalizing legal issues. It
is also a potentially explosive ethnic issue in Belize.
22.5 The Maya of
Southern Belize, in addition to some of the common law principles
emanating form the judicial decisions, are relying on existing
and emerging human rights norms contained in such documents
as the Rio Declaration, ILO Convention No. 169, the proposed
American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and
the draft United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples. They see emerging human rights norms relating
to the right to development and the right to a safe and healthy
environment as norms through which they can bring about
the progressive development of standards that are more sensitive,
responsive and useful to indigenous people.
in the near future may well be the first Commonwealth Caribbean
territory in which the still evolving indigenous rights jurisprudence
is deliberated either through the domestic courts or the IACHR,
or both.
22.6 This claim has
serious implications for ATJ in Belize because it could open
the floodgates to other land claims by the Garifuna, Mestizo,
Creole and East Indian ethnic groups in Belize.
23.1 Specific recommendations
apart, there is a general need to reform and update basic laws
which touch on economic and social development. Examples
of such laws would be those dealing with the social sector,
minorities, disadvantaged groups in society, the environment
and poverty. Also requiring reform would be those procedural
laws which impede faster decision-making in the courts, thus
making them costly and slow.
24.1 Access to justice
now necessarily involves effective judicial reforms which include
new mechanisms which help to free up the courts from unnecessary
litigation. Alternative Dispute Resolution processes
have become an acceptable and indeed inevitable part of creative
lawyering in the 21st century.
24.2 A conscious
determination and resolve on the part of the State to introduce
ADR processes into the legal and judicial system would be a
big boost to the fledging regime of ATJ in Belize.
25.1 Other reforms
of a supportive nature, that would be beneficial to the regime
of ATJ are:
the Administration of the Courts;
Modernizing the judicial infrastructure;
Removing the intimidation and overwhelming awe of the criminal
justice system in trials relating to children and victims of
sexual offences;
a special regime for vulnerable witnesses;
Incorporating in the domestic law of Belize the Declaration
of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse
of Power;
Greater involvement of the National Crime Control Council,
the Bar Association and the Human Rights Association of Belize
in the redress of the imbalances in the judicial and legal
Facilitating access to land with certainty of ownership and
tenure, especially for low income or informal sectors, thereby
creating access to credit for those sectors.
25.2 The implementation
of these basket of ideas should greatly improve the theatre
of ATJ in Belize.
26.1 The problems
of poverty, illiteracy, underdevelopment, race, social ranking
and economic factors ought not to be underplayed in any study
of ATJ. Added to these are the problems of inaccessibility,
lack of resources and lack or inadequacy of basic information
and lack of access to legal counsel or citizens advisory desks.
People who live in remote areas, women, handicapped persons,
children, prison inmates, the elderly, indigenous sectors and
generally poor people have serious challenges accessing ATJ.
26.2 The awareness
of these challenged and disadvantaged groups about their basic
legal rights is generally non-existent. The ratio of
lawyer to population size of 240,200 as at 2000, is approximately;
Corozal – 1, Orange Walk – 3, Belize City – 45,
Cayo – 5, Stann Creek – 1 and Toledo – 0.
26.3 But of these
challenges, the one at the top of the list is poverty.
The Population Census 2000 and Abstract Statistics 2001 further
show that the country’s mean income is $835 per month. However,
this figure may be misleading as the average income in rural
areas is significantly less. For example, 23% of
Toledo’s population earns less than $1400 per annum. The
mere traveling costs for a legal representative from Belize
City to attend a client’s needs in Toledo would be approximately
$230, which is a considerable proportion of that client’s
annual income.
26.4 This means that
the scales of justice are tipped heavily against the disadvantaged
groups in society.
And a legal system which does not provide a level playing
field for ATJ is a flawed system.
26.5 These points
raise serious public policy issues which are far beyond this
study. However, attention has been drawn to these concerns
because they impact so significantly on ATJ in Belize.
27.1 (a) Findings
following are the findings which arise from this study:
• While
the Constitution of Belize is essentially democratic, it contains
shortcomings with respect to questions of governance and access
to justice.
• The
Constitution lacks structural and institutional mechanisms
for accessing the fundamental rights provisions in the Constitution.
• The
Constitution of Belize contains sufficient details on the governmental
structure but has virtually little to say about the governance
of Belize.
• There
is a general lack of public awareness about the Constitution
and the political system of Belize.
• Apart
from the laudable efforts of the Political Reform Committee,
there have been no similar sustained efforts at public awareness
education, especially in the area of governance.
• The
existing operating rules of the judiciary need a radical shift
to embrace new and modern alternative dispute resolution processes.
• The
Judiciary is on the verge of introducing new Civil Procedure
Rules to embrace caseload management. That initiative,
if fully implemented, should address the principal concerns
of backlog and delay in the disposition of cases.
is in keeping with best regional practices in the OECS, Jamaica,
Trinidad & Tobago and (soon to be) Barbados.
• The
cumulative effect of the long list of criticisms against the
judicial and legal system constitute a restriction of access
to justice by the population at large.
• Plans
to introduce Primary Dispute Resolution mechanisms in
the operations of the Family Court are timely and relevant.
• There
has been an intolerable increase in domestic violence involving
children especially.
• The
Magistrates’ Courts perform a most difficult job against
the most uncongenial circumstances.
• The
operating system of the Magistrates’ Courts requires
a radical overhaul so as to reduce the huge backlog of cases,
still to be heard.
• The office
of the Attorney General which has overall responsibility for law and order
is inadequately staffed for the range of responsibilities thrust upon it.
• The
office of the DPP suffers from a serious shortage of manpower;
having regard to the volume of criminal cases which need the
attention of the DPP and his staff.
• The
introduction of Caseload Management in the Supreme Court poses
the most serious challenge to the Court Registry.
• The
Police Department needs continuous and upgraded training in
pre-trial and crime scene investigation and docket preparation
• There
is a need for the Police Department to work on its image and
relationship with the public.
• While
conditions in the Hattieville Prison have improved considerably
since 2002, there are still a number of serious shortcomings
that need to be addressed, especially in the area of rehabilitation
and prisoner reform.
• The
profile of the Ombudsman is essentially limited to Belize City
and is not nation-wide.
• The
two legal aid schemes in operation in Belize are woefully inadequate
and deficient in several respects.
• The
Bar Association has failed in its duty to assist the populace
of Belize with a credible legal aid scheme.
• The
Justices of the Peace are currently perceived as essentially
political appointees.
• In
view of the increasing crime culture, there is an urgent need
for the establishment of a Victim’s Compensation Fund.
• Indigenous
and land ownership issues raised by the Mayan Community need
to be seriously tackled.
• Issues
of poverty and underdevelopment underpin access to justice
in a most fundamental and serious way.
27.2 (b) Recommendations
following represent the main recommendations arising out of
this study:
• A
sustained and concerted campaign ought to be mounted to sensitize
the people of Belize as to their Constitution, especially with
regard to the fundamental rights provisions. A clear
role ought to be crafted here for the University of Belize,
the Human Rights Commission of Belize and others.
• The
introduction of Caseload Management in the Supreme Court should
be expedited as a matter of extreme urgency.
• Primary
Dispute Resolution processes ought to be introduced in the
Family Court as a matter of extreme urgency.
• Caseload
Management processes ought to be introduced in the Magistrates’ Courts
as a matter of extreme urgency.
• The
intolerable increase in domestic violence involving children
especially calls for radical intervention in the form, for
example, of a Child Care and Protection legislation, in addition
to the International Child Abduction Act, 2000 (Chap 177).
• Government
should consider strategic staff increases to the offices of
the Attorney General and the DPP.
• There
should be a sustained training program for the Court Registry
staff in advance of the introduction of Caseload Management
in the Supreme Court.
(Some training is already taking place).
• The
Police Department ought to work on improving its image with
the populace while intensifying its efforts at community policing.
• Prison
conditions at Hattieville should be brought in line with international
standards while prison rehabilitation training and reform are
actively pursued.
• The
office of the Ombudsman ought to be decentralized and spread
throughout the Districts.
• Consideration
ought to be given to implementing the basket of reforms listed
in this Report under the discussion on the Ombudsman.
• The
establishment of a credible and sustainable Legal Aid Scheme
is critical for Belize. To that end, the several individual
Recommendations listed in this Report ought to be given the
most serious attention and consideration.
• The
institution of the JP ought to be put on a new legislative
pedestal with clear regulatory regime to govern the recruitment
and performance of the institution.
• The
establishment of a Victim’s Compensation Fund ought to
be effected as a matter of extreme urgency.
• Government
ought to address the question of Mayan indigenous and land
ownership rights in a timely manner.
• Government
is urged to give continuous attention to the alleviation of
poverty in Belize, having regard to the priorities as determined
by the Government.
• Other
recommendations which require governmental policy decisions
• the
reform and update of laws, especially those which touch and
concern economic and social development;
• the
introduction of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) into the
legal system of Belize;
• the
introduction of imaginative measures to strengthen the administration
of the courts;
• the
modernization of the judicial infrastructure;
• the
removal of the intimidation processes in trials involving children
and victims of sexual offences and vulnerable witnesses;
• the
promulgation of the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice
for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power;
• the active
engagement of the National Crime Control Council, the Belize Bar Association
and the Human Rights Commission in a continuous review of the challenges to
ATJ in Belize;
• land
tenure reform in Belize
• the
active involvement of the University of Belize in all aspects
of the educational thrust relative to ATJ in Belize.
27.3 Best Practices
Examples of ‘Best Practices’ have been highlighted
throughout this Report in the context of the appropriate discussions.
Albert K. Fiadjoe
April 17, 2004